Saturday, February 27, 2010

What a Weekend!

I'm too exhausted at the moment to go into much detail, but I had an amazing weekend that I can't wait to share with you all when my brain is functioning at a better capacity. Long story short, I had the honor of meeting a dear sister in Christ, Jennifer (otherwise known in the blogging world as MckMama), whose blog I frequent. She's the real deal folks, such a wonderful person, and I had the pleasure of meeting many other "real deal", wonderful women, all of us connected by the computer world, that I hope to get to know better. And I did a bit of star gazing, no not at the twinkling gems in the sky, but at a famous TV star and childhood heart throb who happens to be an amazing man of God, married to a gorgeous woman of God. Any guesses? Until tomorrow and pictures, I must. go. to. bed.


  1. I was watching the Focus on Marriage conference in Shreveport, LA and I thought I saw you in the audience! Now I know it really was you!!! Wasn't that a GREAT conference?

    ~Kelsey (Amy R.'s sister)

  2. Sarah thanks for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment! It was WONDERFUL getting to meet you this weekend and spend some much needed time in wonderfully Christ-rooted conversation. My husband and I don't have any real friends here and don't get that opportunity much. Hope to hear from you soon and will definitely let you know when we are up that direction! :)

  3. Wow! How cool! You must have went to the Focus on the Family Marriage Simulcast and met Kirk Cameron and MckMama. That's awesome! Can't wait to hear all about it. :)


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