Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Emma is 8!

Happy 8th Birthday Emma!  I may have said this for earlier birthdays too, but I just can't believe it's been eight years since I first beheld your precious 8lb. 4oz. form for the first time.  To say I was in love at first sight is an understatement, because I fell in love with you long before that.  Before God ever created you in my womb, I wanted you.  I dreamed of having a daughter of my own, prayed for you, and oh how undeservedly blessed I am to have you!

There has been something special about this eighth year of your life, something about you really coming into your own, that has blessed my socks off!  You are MY girl, yes, and you are a lot like me in many ways.  But you are also beautifully unique, the only you God has made, and I get the privilege of being your mama for as long as God will let me.  This year you have moved into your own room, something you're giddy about. Just a small reminder that you are growing up and I wish it could slow down:(. Your outward beauty is obvious sweet girl, so many people tell you so, but what amazes me and makes me smile from ear to ear is your heart.  You love others well, you enjoy serving and encouraging, reminding others of how much you love them by every means you can think of.  Homemade cards, daily "I love you more than _____"s, doing things for others, giving them gifts.  You are such a great student as well, always doing your best for your teacher, showing respect to the adults in your life, you are a sweet fragrance to every person in your life, sweet peanut!  This year you got into Centennial Children's Choir.  Your love for singing, and the way you smile at me in the audience while you do it melts my heart into a puddle.  I am so proud of you, sweet girl, for every part of who you are.  And even when you struggle, against sin and selfishness, as we all do, know that my love for you never changes, because God's love for you never changes!  He sent Jesus to die for you sweetheart, a gift you received personally when you were 7 and that you can celebrate every day as you are washed with new mercy.  It's not to earn His favor that you live to please Him, but because of His favor, the gift of your salvation, adoption into His family, that you live your life to glorify Him.  As we head into your ninth year, your dad and I will be praying for you every day, that God will continue to shape you into all He wants you to be.  He has good plans for you, precious girl, and it is our pleasure to watch those plans unfold and to love you the best we can along the way.

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