Monday, April 30, 2012

Catching Up

Brushing the dust off this blog, whew it's been a full month!  I guess it's true that sometimes you're too busy living life to blog about it, I'll count that as a good thing:).  I'll start with Easter Pictures.  What a beautiful day we had to celebrate our risen Savior!

Our little "Noodle" is walking well now, I officially have a toddler in every sense of the word!  The girls only have four more weeks of school, needless to say May will not be any less full than April has been.  I'm already drawing up our plans for summer which will include so many fun things! Swimming lessons, farm camp, choir camp, school time, VBS, lazy days by the pool and picnics at the park, camping, road trips, new baby nephew to meet, but most importantly, time to love on my children 24/7!  My big girls have loved school so much this year, but I'm excited to have them to myself for a few months.  It's hard to believe it will be garden planting time next weekend!  We already have strawberry plants, raspberries, blackberries and rhubarb taking off.  Life is beautiful because God gives it!  He is good all the time. We had a sad course of events over the past week, but we are counting the gifts even in the midst of broken hearts.  These events deserve their own post... soon.

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