Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Grade...YES!

There was a little song I made up when I was a little girl as I anticipated going to first grade. It went like this:
"First grade never, first grade never
I like to go to school
But I don't like my friends
who don't play nice,
all around the town."
I sang this song to Emma probably a year ago and of course, she got a kick out of it and wanted to learn it. About a week ago, I asked her if she remembered my first grade never song and this is what she said, "yes, but I want to change the words." This is the song she came up with:
"First grade YES, first grade YES
I like to go to school
But I don't like my friend
who don't play nice
all around the town."
This one little word change tells me the world about Emma's attitude towards school. She's excited to be there, to make new friends and learn new things. She's much braver than I was, and for that I praise the Lord, because I remember many a shed tear over recess as I sat in the very spot my mom dropped me off, missing her in the pit of my stomach.As we drove to her first day of school today, we prayed. We prayed for God to remind Emma to do the right thing, even when others do the wrong thing, that she would be a light for Jesus to her teacher and her classmates, and I finished by praying for bravery and comfort if she feels sad or scared. After we had said "Amen", Emma informed me that she wouldn't be sad, but that she might be a little nervous and her tummy might hurt. We quickly added a prayer for her tummy not to hurt and that God would remind her that He's always with her, even when mommy and daddy are not. As I hugged her good-bye while she was sitting in her big girl desk, a surprising lump began to form in my throat. I thought I'd be okay today, we did this last year after all. But as I drove home I realized that it will never be easy to say good-bye to my children, for any reason under the sun. But I have to let them go or they will never learn how to lean on the God who never leaves them. These times apart are gifts because they teach both of us to trust the Lord with each other and our own hearts. They are little journeys out of the nest where they can encounter the world and then come home to process and learn and grow from what they've experienced. It is my prayer that some day, when the time comes for a more permanent flight from the nest, that each of our children will have genuine walks of their own where they depend on the Lord over anyone else. I pray that they will know how to encounter the sin in the world and the sin in their own hearts with the truth of God's word and the reality of His presence. Emma Grace, be courageous as you cling to your Savior at every turn! May this school year draw you closer to Him and may He equip your dad and I to teach you and point you to Him through every experience.
Love, Mommy

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Summer in a Nutshell

It's long past time for a post, but once again, the beautiful living of life has gotten in the way. I don't feel guilty for not posting in so long, because I know it's the result of right priorities, but I love it here, I really, really do. Writing here is such a little oasis for me, a refreshing for my soul that feeds a deep seeded need in me to share my heart and life through writing.

So what have we been up to, in a nutshell? Well, summertime, that's what:). Lots of time outside, which by the way has made it harder than usual to stay on top of the inside chores. But in the winter, when I have ample time for inside tasks, I know we'll be longing for more time I take each season in stride, knowing that just around the corner is change. I'm FINALLY feeling more myself as I near the end of my first trimester, I'll be 12 weeks on Sunday...I can't believe it! My stomach has grown very obviously already, which doesn't surprise me. I'm anticipating a fair share of stretch marks when all is said and done:(. My poor garden is overrun with weeds, but when the heat makes you ill and you're tired most of the time, weeding just doesn't land very high on the priority list I'm afraid. Amazingly though, we are getting a good harvest of yummy veggies this year.

At the beginning of the summer, the girls had swimming lessons, then each of them went to their own dance class at different times during June and July. Emma's class was called Tappin Dumplins, Chloe's was called Magic Wand. They each had a blast! We celebrated Emma's 6th birthday and my 31st in July. We also went on a fun camping/fishing trip with Auntie Kim and Uncle Tyler at the end of July, complete with roasting the catch of the day over an open fire. Most recently, we went on a little family vacation to Salt Lake City to visit old/current friends who were like family during our time there. It was such a blessing to see them all again and take the kids to our very first apartment in married student housing at the U.

Now we're back and gearing up for the school year ahead. Emma is starting first grade, which seems so surreal, and Chloe, Sawyer, and I will be doing a preschool/homeschool co-op with some friends of mine from church. It will be a busy year no doubt, lots of driving and the need for organizing and being purposeful with our time. But I'm excited! I can already smell fall in the air and am loving the cooler evenings and mornings. Today is Chloe's forth birthday, so I'm busy getting ready for her little party tomorrow. Happy birthday to my sweet baby girl, you've blossomed so much this year, inside and out. We had our 12 week ultrasound yesterday and brought all the kids along to meet baby sibling. It was such a treat to see more baby this time, all the little kicks and rolls and waves, be still my heart! We used the nub angle theory to try to guess the gender and right now, I'm thinking girl if the theory is right, but we'll find out for sure soon enough. Wheh! Okay, back to work for me. My goal is to get some pictures of all the said events up very soon. Thanks for your patience, and all my love to each of you! I do read your blogs whenever I see new posts:).
Love, Sarah

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