Tuesday, February 23, 2010


In my effort to be more real on here, the truth is, I'm grumpy! I'm in a rotton, sleep-deprived, one child is sick, one is needy and one is pushing all the buttons bad mood. And I'm frustrated...with my body...with everything, which may be partly to blame for this crumby mood I'm in. Let's just say I've never "worked" normally, I've never been "regular" and at this moment in time, it's driving me crazy! And I don't like having decisions unmade, I like to hash things out right now and make a decision...right now. But there are some decisions that can't be made right now, and at this moment in time...it's driving me crazy! And you may be asking, have I been praying about all this? The answer, yes...but it's been more like stomping my feet around like a two year old and I'm sure God is not amused. But I know He wants my heart, right where it's at, not fancy words or fake holiness...but I also know I can't stop in my tantrum and leave it at this...don't worry, I won't. But here you have it, realness. Thanks for loving me!


  1. Yay for realness! Girl, I feel ya! And I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all of this at once. I know that is so frustrating.


    But God loves you in your "2 year old tantrums" just like you love your babies when they whine.

    It's okay to whine every once in a while. He gets you. He does!

    xxx M.

  2. Thanks for your realness! I have a lot of similar things at the moment! But, I appreciated your comment--I can't stop in the middle of the attitude, keep working on getting the heart to the right place.


  3. Ugh! So sorry friend! I am grumpy too! Praying for you....

    Let's get together soon, when everyone is healthy. =)

  4. I know exactly what you mean...with 3 young children and a husband who works all the time(which I AM grateful for, I really am, I often feel this way. When I do, I fix myself a cup of hot tea,take a hot bubble bath,read a great book by Sally Clarkson (can't recommend her enough) and go to bed early. :) A couple of nights of this and I am usually in a MUCH better mood!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your blog has become a real inspiration to me!


  5. I am grumpy as well... and it is nice to know my sister in Jesus is grumpy too... loving you through your grumps...


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