Monday, January 17, 2011

Choosing to Love

In those essential relationships, the ones that must remain,when your sins sit unforgiven, when efforts fall on deaf ears, when understanding will not penetrate, and when the sins of another continue to pile upon you, there is but one choice.  To choose love, the kind you've been given by Him, the kind undeserved but graciously bestowed.  And then, to let go and stop expecting.  We bask in the forgiveness freely given, in the understanding beyond our own, and we beg for wisdom and patience and security and direction from Him on how to continue relating and loving and letting go.  It is to Him we give account and by Him alone that we have victory over flesh.  And He asks us what merit it is to us to only love those who love us, the easy to love?  It is far greater to love our enemies, to love beyond feeling but by choice and obedience, when love is truly laying down self, this is the love He asks us to give, because it is the love He has given.  It is love that doesn't make sense and yet... it makes perfect sense to a Holy God and "we can do all things through Him who gives us strength."


  1. Sarah - Thank you for sharing this. I found your blog through a friend of yours (your blog is listed on hers) and check back periodically because your words are so thoughtful and I am inspired by the way you live for Jesus, and the way you love being a Mom! These words hit home for me in regard to a situation in my life right now. I would love to get your advice on how to do this, what this kind of love looks like. I feel like God is calling me to love as well, and yet I am not sure exactly how that should look. If you have time (though I'm sure you probably don't with another little one on the way and three to take care of right now) I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to email if you can. If not, no big deal...thank you for the challenge and encouragement of your words today!

    Krysta (

  2. Sarah, this is so true. I'm experiencing this also...loving with no return on the investment. But it is for Christ that we exercise love, and not in our own strength. Thank you for sharing your heart!

  3. The key word is "choosing" isn't it? I think I was shocked the first time I really realized that love was a choice and not an emotion.

    I'm glad I know it now. And I am glad I can choose to love - even though sometimes, it isn't returned.

    Thanks for sharing your heart today. It's beautiful. Love you friend! xxx M.


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