Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Month for Giving Thanks- Day 4

Day 4
(Travis brought each of the girls a rose home after work one day, because Chloe had left him a tearful message at work saying she missed him)
At around 4am this morning, I was suddenly awakened by an aweful cramp in my calf.  All I could mutter to Travis was that I was having a bad cramp!  He quickly wanted to know where, thinking I was talking about a contraction, so I eked out "calf".  I finally got it to release, when Sawyer woke up.  I like to think he sensed his mama in peril, but it was probably just a coincidence.  Travis jumped up to tend to him, but I soon heard calls for "mommy" that I couldn't roll over and ignore.  He just needed a little reassurance from a bad dream I think, as all it took was a few rocks and he was ready to be put back in his crib.  Not even an hour later, we heard Emma calling for me in panic, so once again Travis jumped up from bed and ran to her.  Then I hear racing feet coming back down the hall and Travis say, "she's going to throw up!"  They made it to the toilet, but once again, it was mama Emma wanted.  Travis tried to convince her that I was pregnant and needed my rest and that he would fill in as back rubber and hair holder, but I could tell she longed for me in that moment, so out I rolled.  She was on an every 15 minute roll, so I made a bed for myself on the bathroom floor and closed my eyes in pretend sleep as I rubbed her back.  After about 30 minutes, Travis appeared at the door and said he'd take a shift, so I went back to bed.  As I snuggled in, I listened to the sweet words Travis whispered to Emma, that he loved her and would take good care of her and she would be okay.  After a few more rounds over the toilet, she fell asleep in the make-shift bed on the bathroom floor, so Travis returned to bed.  The next time she woke up, it was Travis she called for.  And this leads to what I give thanks for today, Travis.  Not only did I mention him yesterday as my dearest friend, or the day before that as our provider, but today I celebrate him as my mate and companion, the servant leader of our home.  He loves and cares for us with such selflessness, it can only come from one place, Christ in him.  I often call him my night time hero as he has never been the type of husband to lay like a rock in bed as I tend to all the kid's night time needs.  In fact, aside from when I am nursing a baby, he is the usually the first one out of bed to answer our kid's calls.  He sacrifices his own sleep for mine and never tries to make me feel guilty about it.  Especially when I'm pregnant, I SO MUCH appreciate this way he selflessly loves me.  And selfless love illicits selfless love, does it not?  Nothing makes me want to serve him more than my gratitude for the way he serves me!  I delight in doing his laundry and making him meals and keeping the house clean, because these things bless him and I just love him so stinking much!  Thank you Lord for Travis, You love me so well through him, I really don't deserve it.  Show me ways to love and bless him even more as I fill my tank with Your love for me.  Amen!


  1. I love this series of posts on giving thanks!! They help me be intentional about having a thankful heart. Today and everyday, I'm thankful for YOU Brownie:) I love you!!

  2. What a sweet hubby. Those midnight pukes are never fun, but what a blessing to do them with the man you love.


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