Friday, October 15, 2010

21 weeks

Here we have my growing girth at nearly 21 weeks.  Chloe took this picture this morning.  I could nit pick about how puffy and tired my eyes look, but they look that way for a reason due to little sleep last night, so I digress.  Travis and I have been staying up way too late each night watching the Pillars of Earth series and then of course, the kids are up at their normal early time.  The news that a little princess is on her way is sinking in around here, the girls are already calling Autumn by name and are very excited to have a little sister.  I don't think Sawyer really knows what's coming, but I'm banking on his mellow personality to get him through without too many hardships;).  Housework is calling my name at the moment, so until next time...


  1. Good job Rooey:) Taking after her mama in the photography realm!

  2. You look great Sarah! So excited for you and your family.

  3. Hello,

    This is a question for the webmaster/admin here at

    Can I use part of the information from this post right above if I give a backlink back to this website?


  4. Look at you, Mama! You're so gorgeous and statuesque- I'm a little envious! ;)

    (Kev and I loved the Pillars of the Earth series- we were so surprised, having never read it or heard of it before!)

    And *sigh*. Another little princess. What a blessed family! Longing for another little princess of my own...



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