Thursday, April 29, 2010

Still Here

Not much to say these days, but that doesn't mean I haven't had a lot on my mind. Trying to live by the scripture, "be quick to listen, slow to speak...". We've been busy with life too, I'm finding it harder and harder to make time for the computer lately. But God is helping me get those priorities in order, and it doesn't surprise me that computer time has clicked down a few notches on the least for now. Believe me when I say there are times when I'd much rather sit here and ponder the great questions and struggles of life, edit and share pictures and read all of your beautiful blogs all day long. But doing a good job at homemaking and my roles and relationships often pulls me in another direction, and so I wait, embracing that "there is a season for every purpose under heaven". So until the next time I'm able to carve out a bit of time to sit in this special place of my own, blessings and love to each of you! And I always welcome personal email conversations:). Here's a bit of spring cheer from our home to yours!


  1. Ahh, the very story of my own life! How does a mom give up those short precious moments to live the life instead of just write about it! I struggle with it, but I know what the best choice is. So, one day I'll have time to write and by then I'll have many wonderful moments to share...and so will you!

  2. You have such a good way of putting words on paper. I can relate to your struggles. :) I love your girls rain outfits!


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