Friday, January 23, 2009


It's Friday, and I'm SO ready for a weekend! Today I'm busy doing house work, you know the kind that never ends. Yes, no matter how many loads of laundry I do, I'm still surprised how fast the hamper fills up again. You'd think I'd have it figured out by now, there will always be laundry to do! But I try to remember that all that laundry means I am blessed with a family who dirties their clothes. All the toy clutter and shoes and socks and random items on my floor means I have healthy children who are active and like to play. Those crumbs on my kitchen floor mean that we have food to eat. As for me not getting a shower before lunch time, yes even that is cause for gratitude. It means that I am busy doing the most important job I can think of, caring for, teaching, training, and loving on three precious little people, helping shape them into the people God has called them to be! And I pray for grace when I faulter, I need that grace every day. I beg for wisdom!
We've started a preschool co-op at church where we moms take turns teaching. It's been great for Emma and she's been doing well, but we could use some prayer for Chloe, and for us as we address her behavior. She's been struggling with some aggressive behaviors when she's in the nursery, specifically towards the younger kids. We're praying that God would change her heart and that He would give us the wisdom we need for discipline as we love and teach her through this struggle. I hope you all have a blessed weekend!


  1. Wow, I was so encouraged by your blog. Thank you for reminding me to be thankful in all things.
    love you,

  2. You are so right! Thank you for the reminder! We are so blessed...even with the dirty dishes and laundry!

  3. 522 visits Seed. I think you have a calling for sure. Keep up the inspirational thoughts.
    Love you!


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