Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Preschool Curriculum

Since I know many of you out in blogland homeschool your children, I was hoping for some recommendations. Travis and I are still not decided on whether or not to do homeschool (as far as academics go) for the long hall, but we are considering doing preschool and possibly kindergarten at home with Emma to see how it goes and to save some money since we are leaning towards Christian school if we can afford it. Can any of you recommend a great, Christian curriculum for preschool/kindergarten? Also, if you can tell me specifically what you like about the curriculums and what doesn't work so well from experience, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks so much in advance! And if you can think of anyone else to share my post with for added input, please pass it along.
In Him,


  1. Sarah,
    For preschool and Kingergarten I would say keep it easy!! Find a phonics and math program you like. (I use Saxon and Explode the Code) Then use a booklist from say Ambleside online and read them lots from that booklist. The Bluedorns (classical homeschooling) say read to your children 2 hours a day and that is my goal every day.

  2. I will be checking back in. I'm also looking for some good preschool curriculum. I'm not sending Devyn off to school any sooner than I have to. =)

  3. sorry I don't have any advice on homeschooling curriculum; I'm sure someone out there can give you some though! Good luck with this venture!

    Thanks for your comment! I've been feeling fine, finally not feeling so exhusted anymore.

    How are you feeling though? Hope you're doing ok!

  4. Our son is only 2 1/2 so I have no homeschooling recommendations for you, but I'm curious to see what your readers suggest. It's an idea we're toying with as well.

  5. I've been checking back in here to see what others say:) I'd like to do some preschool at home as well. Good idea to post about this...

  6. I've taught three of my kids to read with the Explode the Code series, available at Christianbook.com. The primer books (Get Ready, Get set, and Go for the Code) teach letter recognition. Very simple and easy to follow. Ditto Andrea on Saxon too.

  7. Sarah, We like Sing, Spell, Read and Write for phonics/Reading and also love the Five in a Row books. They have excellent children's stories with mini-units for preschoolers. You can buy them at Christianbook.com


  8. This is my first time to your blog and I was very challenged by your "sneaky idols" post. As a new blogger in the last 7 months, I have seen myself in so much you wrote about. THANK YOU! Thank you for your boldness and for sharing what the Lord has and is teaching you about your "time" with Him, your husband and children... I am learning right along with you my dear sister in Christ, and praying that "I will keep the main things" "The main things."

    In terms of curriculum for little ones. We have a 4 year old who we are just starting Pre School at home with. Today in fact. However we've been using a bit of "Little Hands to Heaven" over the last year and are really pleased with it. It gives me flexibility as well as great lessons to teach scripture, etc. I have posted more info about it on a side bar on my blog.

    May God bless and direct you and your husband as you choose the educational direction for your family.

  9. Well we are on our 3rd preschooler to homeschool and I would highly encourage you to read some books on homeschool families. It's always good to start the formal schooling/sit down worksheets later rather than sooner. Only do as much as she is interested in, stop when you see her losing that joy in learning for the day. I personally have used games such as Monopoly jr, chutes and ladders etc for our math time, and read to them...a lot, Learning to read in 100 easy lessons is a good phonics book if you feel more comfortable with an actual book. Math can also be helping to cook, writing the recipe for penmenship, do a lot of art and hands on. This week one day we read a book, "Pizza for the Queen" we made pizza for lunch, pretended to practice some of our new Italian words we read (Science, language, math, reading) Looked up Italy on our map. A place to check out online: http://www.daniellesplace.com/homeschool/index.cfm
    Hope this helps some. Have a blessed day!

  10. PS I love your theme verse. This is my life verse I think I have to say it to myself daily.

  11. I'm new to your blog but arrived via Raising Five to your Blogs and Idols post. Thank you for posting that.

    I recently blogged about preschool resources @

    I don't know the age of your kiddos as I am new but my children are 4 and 2 and we are using Little Hands to Heaven as a gentle systemic introduction to Bible stories, letter, and numbers. As my four year old is beyond this and already knows letter sounds, I spent individual time with him using Rod & Staff preschool workbooks. Later we will use Explode the Code.

    Be sure and read the post on my blog and then email me if I can help you anymore. I know about alot of preschool stuff :)

  12. http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Home-Kindergarten-Day-Day/dp/092346302X

    We used this and really liked it.. my baby is in 5th grade now and I'd love to go back ...

  13. Hi! Thanks for letting me view your blog. :) A gal sent me a link because of your post regarding idols and computers.

    I am a homeschool mom of four boys ages 6, 4, 3, and 3. I love homeschooling and highly recommend it! :)

    I have used Christ Centered Curriculum with our now 6 year old. It is incredibly strong academically and each lesson has a Bible lesson. Our six year old had a hard time learning to read until we started this program. Our friend's four year old daughter also learned to read very quickly because of the strong phonics approach. Their website is http://www.christcenteredcurriculum.com/.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

  14. My oldest will be three next month and I have just recently started thinking more about what I could do to teach him at home, instead of sending him to preschool. I just came across a book I think you would love, it is called, "Mommy, Teach Me!" Check out this website. http://mommyteachme.net/ Let me know what you think.

  15. Sarah dear - keep it simple! I don't even think you need a "curriculum" for preschool and kindergarten!

    Learn colors along with shapes by getting some colorful blocks and building together.

    Sing the alphabet song and get a little chalkboard to hang. Once a week, write a letter and draw a picture that starts with that letter - then talk about it whenever you pass it.

    Count out loud - toes, fingers, pretzels on the lunch plate. Load the dishwasher together and talk about space and using it wisely. Stick them on your hips while you measure and cook, talking about the grains and the particles that you are stirring in the pot.

    Read to them constantly - it is the best way to teach phonics and spelling and imagination.

    Sing, read, play, and love! These early school years are the easiest and the most fun!

    Love to you!

  16. Well, I don't have any input about this one, but I just wanted to say that I am happy to finally get over here and visit your lovely blog. I will definitely be back!

    Many blessings on your day,

  17. Sarah,

    I'm a homeschooling graduate as well as a homeschooling Mom and we have always used Christian Light. It is Bible-based and very inexpensive. I am currently using their Learning To Read program with my five year old. www.clp.org

    For preschool, I love using Rod and Staff's little books. I've used them with all of my children and they have greatly enjoyed them.

    May the LORD bless you.


    P.S. I also enjoyed your post on "those sneaky idols."


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