Monday, June 4, 2007

Chloe is Crawling!!!

That's right, my little "Baby Moses" (that's what we call her) is CRAWLING!!! She's been scooting and crawling backwards for several weeks now, but for the very first time this morning, she figured out how to put it in first gear and is crawling forward! Here are a couple samples, mama is so proud! I think our first order of buisness this evening when Travis gets home from work will be buying a baby gate for the top of the stairs.


  1. How awesome! It's cute how Emma is so excited too. Love you guys :)

  2. Sarah, that is too, too precious! How exciting! It's always bittersweet seeing our babies develop and meet milestones like that. I'm so glad you shared these with us!

  3. YIPPIE CHLOE! What a big girl! I'll tell you...after crawling for a day or so, Liv decided that it was time to start pulling up on things, so BEWARE of that! :)

  4. Looking Good, Chloe. She is so beautiful!

  5. Ah, those "on the cusp" crawlers - the remote will bring them out every time! :)

    So cute - I loved watching Emma be so excited, too!

  6. So sweet ~ she is precious! Thanks for sharing your video today! I love seeing the progress our children make each day :)


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