Friday, June 9, 2006

Fort Collins, here we come!

Well, for those of you who haven't heard or figured it out by now, Travis officially accepted the offer at HP in Fort Collins! We will be moving in to our rental house in Fort Collins on July 1st. Emma and I will fly out on the 30th of June and Travis and his dad will drive the moving truck out on July 1st. Between now and then, I need to finish up packing and organizing and then once we're moved in, it will be a whirlwind of unpacking, settling in and getting ready for Chloe's arrival. We plan to have a little homecoming open house to reconnect with old friends in the Fort Collins area, so I'll keep you posted on that. We're very excited for this move and what God has in store for us in this next chapter of our lives. Please pray for a smooth move and transition, especially for Emma as she's very sensitive to changes. I will send out a private email with our new contact information soon.
Love, Sarah


  1. Yes, yes, yes! Can you believe the time has finally come? I still remember when you told us that you were moving to Utah three years ago and how devastated I was. I am so happy...

  2. You'll be in our prayers that your travel will be safe and that the transition will be smooth for everyone!

    Big blessings and Godspeed!

  3. Can't wait to have you and your precious family back in Colorado! I hope all your travels out here are safe!

    God Bless!


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