Monday, May 1, 2006


Hello everyone,
No fancy pictures or graphics for this post. Just some recent happenings in our lives that we'd love your prayers for. Several weeks ago, Travis applied for two positions at HP in Fort Collins, after which he vowed, "no more applying for jobs for at least a year so we can enjoy living in our new house for awhile before trying again". Well, as irony would have it, he recieved calls on BOTH positions! After completing phone interivews for both positions, we now have news that they are flying him out for second round interviews for BOTH positions this week! The first position he probably wouldn't take even if offered, it's just not the direction he wants to take his career. But the other one, he's very hopeful about as it really fits his interests. Not only that, but he's recieved very positive feedback from the phone interviews for the position and feels he nailed them unlike he's done in any other interview. He will fly out this Thursday night and interview for the first position on Friday. Then hopefully they will schedule the second interivew for Monday so he can get it all taken care of in one trip, but we'll find out the specifics today. To be honest, it has been a bag of mixed emotions as we anticipate this possible life change. While we can't help but be excited about the possibility of living closer to family, especially with Chloe's birth just around the corner. Colorado is where we would like to settle for a long period of time, so the thought that "settling" could be in our near future is such a blessed thought. But at the same time, we were feeling a little melancholy at the thought of leaving Salt Lake as we talked about it in a car ride the other night. It brought me to tears to think of how much I have loved our life here. As hard as it has been living away from family, the Lord has stretched us and grown us and drawn us to Himself here in ways that we wouldn't trade for anything. We have become a tight knit little family of three and have learned to depend on the Lord for everything in a way we never had before. He has blessed us tremendously with a church family and wonderful friends, and we feel our marriage has taken strong root here as we've established healthy indenpendence as a family. But we know that change is inevitable in life and if we are seeking God's guidance at every turn, we have to trust that He will carry us through each change. So the prayers we are asking for, first and formost, are for God's wisdom and guidance should Travis be offered this job at HP. Above all, we want to listen to Him as we make this decision and not get caught up in our own desires ignoring His plan in the situation. Secondly, we need prayer for patience and peace as we wait for news of an offer (or not). And thirdly, we need prayer that if Travis is not offered this job, that we would find contentment, peace, and joy in staying here for as long as the Lord would have us here, ready to embrace the ways He plans to work in and through us next. I thank you all so much for letting me share our lives so candidly with you and for praying for us as you feel led. I have always worn my heart on my sleeve, I believe that vulnerability is the key to growth, so I thank you for always letting me be vulnerable with you.
Always, Sarah


  1. Wow! That is so exciting! Please keep us posted. Also, let Jeremy know if there is anything he can do to look for places for you to live!

  2. We are thrilled at the prospect of having you back "home" with us. But we are praying that God will either open or close doors to make your decision easier for the whole family. I will anxiously be waiting with you for answers. =)

  3. Hi! Visiting your site via Susie showing off your design! I'm pregnant - only 6 weeks but I look forward to watching your blog and following your progress!

    Come see me sometime!


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