Friday, May 5, 2006


Well, today is the day for Travis's first interview with HP. He arrived in Fort Collins safe last night and hopefully was able to get a good night's rest for his interview today. The interviewing process begins at 9:00am today, and then for the other position at 9:00am on Monday, so if you would like, please joint me at 9:00am both today and Monday to pray for him. Pray for calm nerves, peace, and confidence as he goes in and that he would be able to articulate his knowledge and thoughts in an impressive manor when answering questions. He will also be writing some code on the spot, so also pray that the "code genius" in his brain would come out at those times :) He's supposed to call me today and let me know how this first interview goes, so I'll try to post again tonight to fill you in. Thanks so much!
Love, Sarah

1 comment:

  1. Travis will be in my thoughts and prayers during these next few days. I will also be praying for you, as the wife, so you are able to offer support in whatever way you can. Please keep us posted!


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