Can you believe it! Already 24 weeks pregnant! It's been fun for me to look at the pictures of my growing belly side by side to see the "progress". It's truely amazing to me how fast these little ones grow inside us. Little Chloe, as you can see from my pregnancy tracker up at the top of the page, is weighing over a pound at this point and is just about a foot long. Technically, she could survive if born this week, but we don't even want to go there. I've told her she's to stay put until at least 38 weeks, but we'll see if I'm still singing that tune when I reach 36 weeks in the heat of summer. Still no word on either job interview, but don't worry, I'll get on here right away and post as soon as we know anything. Thanks for the continued prayers.
Love, Sarah
I love the pretty, preggy belly. Ohhhh! Sarah - You look as beautiful as ever! What a gorgeous mama you are!