Pucker up! Yes, our little peanut LOVES to give kisses, especially to other little kids. We feel we may be in for trouble when the teen years hit if this continues. Travis is already trying to figure out what his weapon of threat and intimidation will be. And now with another little girl on the way, his pappa bear intinct has only grown. I must say my momma bear instinct is just as refined, Lord help the boy who treats my daughters anything but honorable! We had a great mother's day weekend. Emma wrote me a sweet card, complete with scribbles and a little help from Daddy writing her name. Travis's portion of the card was so wonderful, I live for cards like this! We went to church, then to Mimi's Cafe for a late breakfast, it was a very special, relaxing day.

Ahhh, this smile is the most beautiful site I see every day. It beats the most glorious sunset and tops the most exotic flower. I'm just so amazed every time I look at her what a beautiful gift my little Emma Grace is from above. She may be entering some terrible twos, but it's astounding how a parents unconditional love superceeds all that. One minute, I'm ready to scream in frustration and the next, I'm cuddling and kissing that same source of frustration. Motherhood is such rollarcoaster sometimes, but it reminds me of how the Lord must feel for us. One minute, he's so saddened and frustrated by the choices we are making, and the next, he is catching us in His vast arms of forgiveness, Grace, and comfort, moving us through to His best for us.

Just a little reflection on how much my baby has grown over the past two years. Oh how I cherish the days when I held her as such a small bundle in my arms. I'm already saying they grow up too fast and she's not even two yet! Thanks for your continued prayers for patience for us this week as we await the final word on Travis's interviews. We've recieved great peace about it since last week and feel that with the Lord's help, we are truely ready to recieve whatever the answer is, trusting in His best for us.
Beautiful, Sarah, beautifully written! You've captured motherhood at its best. I can't wait to see how much Chloe adds to your household. =)