Hello everyone! Sorry it's taken me awhile to make a new post. I've been crazy busy getting ready for our move. I can't believe we're down to the wire of our last week here in Utah. I'm scrambling through my big "to-do" list and hoping to have everything done by Wednesday when my wonderful friend Carla will be coming over to help me clean the apartment, bless her heart! I decided to humble myself and ask for some help so I don't have to breath so many nasty fumes being pregnant and all. Today and Thursday, Emma has playdates with her best friend Kylie, which will help a ton. Then friday, Emma and I are off in a plane heading for Colorado. Travis and his dad will drive the moving truck on Saturday, so please be praying for safe, smooth travel for all of us and a good move with no major hic-ups. Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment.

This is Emma running circles around the island in the kitchen of our townhome. We spent so much time trying to get her used to the fact that we were going to be moving there that she would go around and saying, "Emma's house, Emma's room, Chloe's room, etc..." I guess we'll just have to hope she forgets about it and happily moves on to our rental in Fort Collins.

This is Emma and Daddy having a moment in, what would have been, our master bedroom looking at the sunset over, what would have been, our great view of the valley. I still can't get over how much Emma looks like her daddy at times! But her smile is all mommy I think, you be the judge.

This next one is me and my peanut all ready for church on our last sunday here in Utah. My love for this little girl is just indescribable. I'm going to have one overflowing heart when Chloe arrives, I'll probably just be a barrel of emotions as I learn to share myself with two little princesses that I love so much! It was kind of an eventful last Sunday, we didn't even make it through half of Sunday school due to a fire on a powerline just outside the church. We had to evacuate due to no power and second service was cancelled. Luckily, we had lunch plans with our Sunday school class for a last social outing before we move. Blogger isn't letting me load any more pictures to this post, so I'll do another post with some more pictures below this one.
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