Can you believe this belly! I look at it sometimes and still can't believe how out front I carry and how BIG I carry. But I'll take it if it means a healthy little girl is growing inside me. I have a feeling these next few months of this last trimester are going to fly. I have so much to do for our move, I'm not going to have much time to think. Emma and I just bought our plane tickets last night to fly to Denver on June 30th. My mom will pick us up at the airport and take us up to Fort Collins. On July 1st, Travis will be driving the moving truck with his dad and we'll meet him at our house. Between now and then, I have more packing and organizing to do, plus all the steps for closing on our townhome on June 20th. I'd appreciate prayer for a smooth transition and smooth travel for Emma and I on the 30th.

These are some random, but priceless pictures of Emma getting her feet washed in the sink by daddy after a long evening of playing outside. It's so funny, as much as we have bemoaned this small apartment, we have some of the most wonderful memories here. I've often heard people say their best memories are when they had the least money. I never quite understood that concept until now. When family time is your primary source of entertainment, you have the richest kind of entertainment on earth!

It really is a bittersweet feeling as we think about leaving Utah. We have absoluted loved our time here and we absolutely love this state. God's glory and beauty is all around us in nature, and the body of Christ we found at Southeast Baptist has been the most close knit, exemplary definition of the body of Christ we have ever found. We are changed and we are grown as a result of living here for the past three years and Utah will always hold a large peice of our hearts. I can't possibly thing of saying good-bye right now, I'll save that for another post.
Love, Sarah
How bittersweet for you to be moving I'm sure - excitement at the possibilities of the future and all it brings and sadness at the friendships and memories you leave behind. But God is with you and He's got your back! Blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteYou look great! I hope I look that good at 28 weeks! ;o)