This picture was taken over Christmas break, on Christmas Eve in fact. Don't even ask me what Travis said to get us all to have such a genuine laugh. Our family gatherings in the Golovach house get pretty rousing and hilarious! The best part is, we're all great friends, not just siblings, and I don't know what I would do without them. We're all at different places in our lives, but what we have in common, our love for each other, crosses all those boundaries.

Ah, the guys. These guys are like brothers in every sense of the word, even though they all have different parents. Our kids sure are lucky to have a brood of uncles and fathers like these men right here. They are all kids at heart and yet the hardest workers with great heads on their shoulders. We make the most of our time together, that's for sure, and always look forward to the next time we will hug each other's necks!
I recently came across your BLOG. Are you a Golovach family too??