Grammy just had to take me for a free picture at Kiddie Candids when we were at the mall. I love to smile for the camera, so that was no problem. Aren't I such a big girl? And look at all my teeth! I'm cutting my first molars, so that's not fun, but before I know it I'll be chomping on all kinds of yummy foods that are hard to eat now. Mom says I'm entering the terrible twos, but she says I'm the greatest joy of her life most of the time. My favorite things to do lately are "this little piggy", color wonder finger paints, reading books, and doing puzzles. And I love to dance while mommy sings "Jesus love the little children" or just about any song. Talk to you all soon. Emma
I am so glad that your family is doing so well and that your pregnancy is coming along wonderfully! I am so happy for you guys. This is great to stay in contact even when life gets busy! Say hi to the family for me!