I fully meant to get this post up ON her actual birthday, but it was a busy day, what can I say? We were busy preparing for Chloe's ice cream sundae party and after the party, well, I was pooped! But here it is, Chloe's first day of Kindergarten, so I thought this might be a good time to do her five year post. It's hard to think up new phrases to use I tell you! The whole, "I just can't believe how big she's getting" one or "I wish she'd slow down" one just seem too common. The truth is, putting my heart on paper is hard work when it comes to my kids, and I don't know that I ever really do it justice. For instance, Chloe asked Jesus into her heart this year. Just typing that out doesn't seem to convey my heart about it adequately, you know? It's been a full year for my precious Roo! We did Kingdom Kids preschool co-op with some of my good friends from church and she learned so much. Her handwriting is really good for her age and she knows more lowercase letters and letter sounds than most of her peers, according to her Kindergarten teacher. The girl is ready...but her mama is less so. Chloe is no longer a toddler, she's a little girl, a beautiful one I might add, both inside and out. She's funny and imaginative, curious and stubborn, compassionate and independent, friendly and kind and just downright amazing! Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll leave you with these I took for her five year photo shoot. I. Love. This. GIRL!!!

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