Monday, November 15, 2010

A Month for Giving Thanks- Day 15

Day 15
I am thankful for the Holy Spirit, convicting me of sin, encouraging my heart, and enlightening me to the truth of God's Word.  I am thankful for God's mercy, that is new every morning, that I do not have to sink under the weight of a day's failures without the hope of complete forgiveness, renewal, and the promise of wisdom when I ask for it.  Thank you Father for saving me from the filth of my sin by the torturous death and glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ!  Your love for me inspires me to live a life that is pleasing to you and to share the good news with others.  Thank you for adopting me through my faith alone, so that every good work springs forth from gratitude, not stressful attempts at earning your favor, which no imperfect human can ever do on their own merit.  You are my everything, my love, my life, my Savior, and my friend.  May my life exist to praise your matchless name and may my joy be complete in you, as nothing else but knowing you can give me true joy.  Amen!

1 comment:

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