I am a daughter of the King, saved by grace, and daughter to my wonderful parents. I am wife, best friend, and life companion to my gorgeous husband. I am mother, kisser of owies, teacher, trainer,hugger and holder extraordinaire to my four precious babes. I am homemaker, family organizer, maker of meals and cleaner of toilets. I am a sister, a friend, a confidant, an encourager, and a counselor to all who find me as such. I am a writer, a philosopher, a thinker, a grower. I am an aspiring photographer, a climber of mountains, and a traveler. I am strong (only by His strength), weak (a sinner by nature in desperate need of Jesus), sensitive, passionate, compassionate, impatient, optimistic, talkative, funny (at least I'd like to think), organized, disorganized, emotional and logical. I am woman, hear me roar! Come sit awhile with me, take a peek at my life and how God is working in and through it, let's grow together!
My mom came up for a summer visit this week. It's always such a treasured time, having her here. We do life as usual, but it's somehow richer and better. Her extra hands and arms and heart are a sweet retreat, even amidst the usual tasks of a day. We did get to do something out of the ordinary last night however. Last night, just she and I went to a local fund-raising production of Pride and Prejudice and had an absolute blast! We sat in the front row, right in the center, such a treat! The actors were amazing, made us laugh and captured our hearts. It was such a good getaway for me. We love you Nana! Until your next visit...(Above: My favorite picture in our goofy photo shoot in the back yard!)
Hey Sara, I check your blog all the time too! Sorry I rarely comment, but well you know kids lol! I miss you, but love seeing new picture of the cute little ones on here!
So cute. So that's where mom got the cute goofy photo from. I love it. Glad you guys had a fun time. I can't wait to see you again soon. Will you be down this weekend for Milo's birthday?
Hey Sara, I check your blog all the time too! Sorry I rarely comment, but well you know kids lol! I miss you, but love seeing new picture of the cute little ones on here!
So cute. So that's where mom got the cute goofy photo from. I love it. Glad you guys had a fun time. I can't wait to see you again soon. Will you be down this weekend for Milo's birthday?