Happy Anniversary Travis!

Six years ago today, at this very moment, about 11:00am, I was standing at the entrance to the sanctuary, waiting for the Anne of Green Gables theme song to start playing. I remember how elated I felt, light as a feather, could not wipe the smile off my face. When I looked at you as I was coming down the isle, flashes of our life together kept moving across my mind.

Our honeymoon, our first home together, having children, vacations, every day life, growing in the Lord together. Just know that reality has been the fulfillment of those hopes my love. Yes, sometimes harder than those optimistic, naive dreams, but also much richer and deeper in blessing than I could have imagined.

It sounds cliche, but I truly mean it when I say, I love you more today than I did on our wedding day! I know you more, and I have witnessed your love for me, anchored on a foundation of forgiveness and choosing to see the best in me, withstand the winds of my ugliness and weakness and have seen my love do the same for you.

That is the stuff of love for a lifetime. Til death do us part, yes, that's what we have! For better or worse, you've got me babe! I look forward to the rest of our lives together sweet man, and realizing what this journey God has for us will bring.
Always, Your Sarah