Sunday, February 1, 2009


After many technical difficulties, trying again and again to download videos of Sawyer, here's our first success! Enjoy the prince in action!
p.s. be sure to pause the music first


  1. mHe is so cute! Thanks for the book! It looks really good!

  2. I love the panting and snorting! I see he wants to help Daddy shovel it in faster! Such sweet days are these! Kisses!

  3. how cute! wow, he's growing up fast! Can't wait to pinch his cheeks this summer!

  4. So adorable Sarah! Levi needs to take lessons from Mr. Sawyer on eating cereal. Hee. Hee. I have tried twice now and it's just not his thing yet. Soon he will probably be wanting cheese pizza for dinner like his sisters! Ha! Hugs to you dear friend!

  5. Ahhh! What a handsome little laddy. He looks so much like you. Especially when he eats. All the spitting of the food. You're so messy. Ha ha! Good talking with you last night. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.

  6. This was so funny and cute! By the way, i just figured out I could leave comments and read comments.... Thanks!


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