Monday, November 10, 2008

My New Look

As you can plainly see, I've changed the look of my blog. I just had to jump on the bandwagon. I still have some fine tuning to do, but so far I'm loving it. As you can also see, my blog sister's list is much shorter. It's NOT because I don't still want all you lovely ladies on the list, it's simply because I lost your links in the change over process, so PLEASE give them to me so I can get each of you up there. And if you just read my blog, but never/rarely comment, come out of hiding:). I'd love hear from you! That about covers it for this evening. I must get to bed before Sawyer wakes up again for a feeding.


  1. I love your new look, Sarah. I love that it's FREE, don't you?? I always want to change things around and now I can with mine and not feel guilty about the cost :)

    I wanted to comment last night, but blogger wouldn't let me - I can't get over how similar your kids look as babies :) So cute!

  2. I love the colors! :)

    You can always put me up there on your list! I check out your blog whenever you update, I just am so bad at commenting! ;)

  3. I read and keep up with you guys, but am one of those rarely/never commenters! I know we didn't get a chance to really get to know each other in UT since I moved there right when you left, but I love keeping up with you and your adorable family! Kim

  4. Wow! I really like your new look!

  5. Ok, I confess, I pop in on your blog a few times a week. I can't remember how I stumbled upon it. But you do have a precious family and I enjoy your perspective. Thanks a bunch for sharing:)

  6. Ah, now I remember. I found your blog through the blogroll at Knee Deep in Munchkin Land:)

    Please excuse me for lurking for so long...I promise I'll leave comments more often now that I have twice in one day:) haha

  7. Super Cute!! I miss the music! I know you would be fighting the urge to start playing Christmas music right about now!! Love the pics of the kids. I can definately tell they swam in the same gene pool! Love to you all!

  8. LOVE the new look! It is SO you!! =) Hope you're having a great Tuesday...

  9. I read your blog all of the time, I am just really lazy about commenting! :) I will try to do that more often. I really enjoy what you have to say about life with 3 young children & our kids are similar ages! (mine are 3 & 1/2, 1 & 1/2 and my baby boy was born on September 4th.)

    Have a wonderful week!


  10. I forgot to say that I LOVE your new look! So cute! :)

  11. I love your new blog design! I'm feeling the itch to redecorate my place too!

  12. I like the new look.
    Will you email me your address please, 'tis the season!

  13. Sarah, I really like your new blog look! Very pretty! And, the picture of you and little Sawyer is absolutely adorable... oh how fast our little boys (and girls) are growing. Oh how blessed we are to be mom's to our little ones!


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