We've had a full and fun weekend!
On Friday, I took the girls to Old Town to walk around and, of course, throw a penny in the fountain.
Then we headed over to Grammy's and helped her hang clothes on her clothes line.
Chloe is getting more and more brave with Grammy's dog Sissy.

My sprinkler princess! She just can't resist a chance to get wet.
Friday night, we brought dinner to our friends Ben and Lauren who just had their second baby, Ava Belle, about a month ago. We brought steaks and chicken to grill and some side salads and rolls. The steaks turned out amazing, heavenly would be a good word to describe them!
Chloe and Vanessa, who are only a few months apart, had a rough start in the sharing department, but thankfully by the end of the evening, were playing nicely. Emma and Vanessa, on the other hand, made fast friends as you can see here. Emma is the universal good big sister, little ones adore her! It was a wonderful, and much overdue time with good friends!

Yesterday was spent doing chores around the house, the girls and I inside, Travis with the fence outside. I'm happy to report that the pickets are 95% done! Now we just have the finish work, gates, and of course the treasured sod!

I had a very happy Mother's Day indeed! Travis and the girls made crepes complete with strawberries, bananas, butter, powdered sugar, and whipped cream for breakfast. If it weren't for the sausage I would have thought I was having dessert for breakfast, yum! Thank you my sweeties! We then headed to a local nursery where I picked out flowers for my hanging baskets and front porch pots. Nothing like freshly planted flowers to make me feel good! Then it was out to my vegetable garden plot where I planted my tomato and pepper plants. Here's a shot my neighbor took of me in action. 

After starting these plants from seed, it feels so good to finally have them in the ground! I'll be planting the rest of the seeds during this next week.
After a good water break, the girls and I headed over to Grammy and Papa's house to "help" them with their gardening projects.

The expert soil mixers at work.
Taking a break.
Say "cheese!"
Ah...This mama is SO blessed!
This squirrel in Grammy's tree agrees!

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