History seems to be repeating itself. When I was three years old, I met a lifelong friend, Melissa. We lived just down the street from each other and our mothers were and still are good friends. Our friendship ebbed and flowed over the years, but now she is one of the closest sisters in my life. I can't predict the future, but I think Emma may have just made a "Melissa" friend. She lives just down the street, her mother and I are becoming good friends, we have breakfast together with several other women and their kids in the neighborhood every Thursday morning. Yesterday, Emma and Mira were deep in make-believe for nearly 4 hours. Both firstborns, both little smarties, oh and did I mention dramatic and feminine? Well, so far, they've hit it off beautifully, as you can see by the picture. It sure makes me feel old to see my daughter where I was 25 years ago, but it's almost like I get to live my childhood all over again.

p.s. I love you Melissa! Thanks for all the precious memories!