I am a daughter of the King, saved by grace, and daughter to my wonderful parents. I am wife, best friend, and life companion to my gorgeous husband. I am mother, kisser of owies, teacher, trainer,hugger and holder extraordinaire to my four precious babes. I am homemaker, family organizer, maker of meals and cleaner of toilets. I am a sister, a friend, a confidant, an encourager, and a counselor to all who find me as such. I am a writer, a philosopher, a thinker, a grower. I am an aspiring photographer, a climber of mountains, and a traveler. I am strong (only by His strength), weak (a sinner by nature in desperate need of Jesus), sensitive, passionate, compassionate, impatient, optimistic, talkative, funny (at least I'd like to think), organized, disorganized, emotional and logical. I am woman, hear me roar! Come sit awhile with me, take a peek at my life and how God is working in and through it, let's grow together!
Here we are, standing on our new front porch in front of our new front door! The rest of the pictures are pretty self explanitory. Everything is looking great and we're still on track to close mid to late June. Thanks for sharing in our excitment, we'll keep you all posted.
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