Friday, January 20, 2012

Just One Thing

It's January, the infamous month of resolutions.  And while some may role their eyes at the notion of making goals for change during the first month of the year, I think that no matter when it happens, it SHOULD happen.  Prayerfully and humbly taking inventory of our lives and the way we are stewarding our time is important, at the very least on an annual basis if not more often.  As I've been praying about the ways God wants me to grow in the management of my time, I believe He's given me a simple plan that revolves around the number "one".  I think one of the pitfalls of new years resolutions is their complexity and hugeness.  Now certainly people have been able to follow through on big goals, but I think for most of us, with lives that very much do NOT revolve around  ourselves, need to keep it simple and small, building towards our goals one block at a time.  So here it is, my "one plan":)...

One prayer before each task (praying for a different person/issue each time).
One (at least) chunk of focused, one on one time with Travis and each of the kids every day.
One load of laundry (from start to closet) every day.
One room to clean from top to bottom each day (not that other rooms won't get tidied along the way).
One weekly task each day (planning the menu, scrubbing toilets, vacuuming, etc...)
One phone call to a friend each week.
One chapter to read in the Word each day.
One self care task each day, beyond a shower which is a given;) (exercise, reading a book, painting my nails, tweezing my eyebrows, etc...)
One written letter to a friend each week (email or card)
One verse/passage of scripture to memorize each month.
One set amount of time on the computer each day (I'm thinking 30 minutes divided into 15 in the morning, 15 in the evening.)

This is my list for right now.  These are goals, not a prison, a way to refocus on what I believe God has told me is important in my life.  I pray for His mercy each morning, to empower me to live inside His priorities for me, not my own.  If you would like to join me in making your own "one plan", or any other plan for that matter, let me know so we can pray for each other.  I think my 15 minutes are about up, so I'll talk to you soon!

Friday, January 6, 2012

So I Don't Forget- Sawyer

I could, quite possibly, have the sweetest son that ever lived! Today he was watching Dumbo for the first time ever when he called for me in a sad voice. When I came to see what was wrong, he broke into tears and said, "Mommy, I don't like this movie, he not findin his mommy!" to which I replied with a smile, "but where's your mommy?" his face filled up with a smile through the tears and he said, "right here! Hold me mommy!" And I did, soaking in every ounce of his sweetness! Later on, right before bed, he asked me to rock him to sleep like Dumbo's mom, in my trunk. So I formed my best trunk and rocked while singing the "baby mine" song. I then waved goodnight to him with my "trunk". If he ever forgets how much he loves his mama or how very much I love him I will remind him of this story. Thank you Father, for letting me be Sawyer Michael's "Mrs. Jumbo"!

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