(The beauty atop my kitchen table: Mother's Day flowers:))
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like they are drowning in spring to-do lists!? These are full days my friends, but very, very good days too. I wish I had more time to ponder the deep mysteries and truths of life and faith, oh how my hands are itching to write, but it seems God has different priorities for me these days. There are children to love on, taught, and trained, a house that needs cleaning and organizing, meals to be planned, groceries to be shopped for, a husband to be pursued in intimacy and friendship, a Savior to spend time with. Extra projects, like cleaning out closets to get ready for our garage sale or writing eloquent, picture-full blog posts? Well, let's just say I'm squeezing out the last few drops of my time and energy to do these things when I can, which isn't often. So bear with me, and don't forget me sweet friends! As Paul often says in similar words, I think of you often and pray for you whenever you come to my heart. We eb and flow on this journey yes? There is a time and a season for everything. Now on to that load of laundry that needs folding... Until the next squeezed drop...
All my love!