The accomplishments of a given day are looking a little different of late. I see it as a successful day if we are all dressed, hair done, and I have make-up on before Travis gets home from work. Other items that make the list, the dishwasher has been emptied and filled and the kitchen is clean. And the big climax? Dinner is on the table! Now if laundry gets done, I'm giving myself an A+! Somehow, we've managed to squeeze in cleaning bathrooms and occasional
vacuuming and dusting, but let's not get too crazy.

My beautiful little prince is on a great routine now, eating about every three hours, taking decent naps, and giving us the occasional smile during awake time. He really is such a sweet, mellow little guy, the pride and joy of all who know him!

Now this face is a mix between great Grandpa
Hootie and daddy. My
interpretation of this look is, "What is that big, black thing you keep putting in my face?"

Nothing like a morning snuggle with my warm, freshly showered daddy!

Needing a little space, Chloe.

Believe it or not, we have gotten away from the every day simplicity. This was taken last weekend when we took a Sunday drive up through Rocky Mountain National Park. Notice the elk in the background? We got some neat close-up shots of some beautiful bucks that I'll share another time.

Just another shot of my gorgeous little man. In milestone news, the gloves are off! That's right, those little mitten cuff
onsies are a thing of the past. I just love seeing his little hands all the time now, but it also means time is marching on:(. Sawyer is so long he's already in some 3-6 month

This was the tail end of a smile, but you get the idea.

Can you believe this long, leaning out little
preschool girl was as small as the little peewee on the right just a mere two years ago!? I sure can't.

This, my friends, is my heart walking around outside my body. Hearts have four chambers though don't they?
Hmmm... more on that another time. Let's just say we think we're complete, but we're not 100% sure. Ask me on a hard day, and it's 200%, but ask me on a good day and it's about 90%.
There is beauty in these simple days. The world doesn't see the value of what I do each day, but I know my Father does, I cling to that when I am at the end of myself. And it is my prayer that, despite my own sin and shortcomings, my children will one day look back on their childhood and say, "Thank you for staying home with us mom, it meant so much!" But more importantly I pray that they will see, in my example, their desperate need for Jesus, that I will point them to Him.