In other news of progress, remember all those painting projects I told you about? They are officially done thanks to my mom! Well nearly done. It was such a treat having her here for a whole week this past week, not just for her work, but for her beloved company. I won't give you pictures for another month or so, when I get get the decor on the walls, but I will tell you, both bedrooms turned out beautifully! I was also able to get Sawyer's dresser painted, along with a china cabinet I'm refinishing. It's all primed, now it just needs the paint, but should be complete within the next week or so. It feels so good to have these projects under my belt, they've been haunting me for some time now. My next projects include creating a play area in our unfinished basement for all the girls toys, moving Chloe into her big girl bed in Emma's room, and cleaning out my closet. Let the nesting continue! I hope to do a belated anniversary post some time this week, so stay tuned.