Well folks, we're half way there! I can hardly believe it! Little Sawyer gives me plenty of kicks and punches throughout the day these days. It's absolutely my favorite part of being pregnant. And calling him by his name now is such a treat. It always makes me feel just a little closer to my baby when I'm able to call them by name.
In other news, our fence is coming along nicely. We've nearly reached the picket stage, which should go quickly once we start. We've gone back and forth about whether to do seed or sod and have decided on sod. It will mean waiting on a few things, like patio furniture, but I think it will be worth it to have instant lawn. My tomatos are bursting out of their little starter pots and are very ready to be transplanted. I'll start the hardening off process next week and hopefully get them in the garden by mother's day. We'll get all the other seeds in too and start watching them grow! The buds on our trees and bushes are finally blooming into leaves and flowers, ah the beginning of the best three seasons of the year.
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of going to a women's retreat with my mom and sister at Camp Elim. What a wonderful time of refreshing and challenge. Our speaker was Kathy Drown, daughter of Nate Saint who was one of the five men martyred in the Equadorian jungle bringing the gospel to the most violent tribe in the world at the time. One of the men was Jim Elliot, Nate Saint was the piolet. Anyway, along with her amazing family story of faith worth dying for, she shared some beautiful and challenging truths from the Word about our calling to pass our faith on to our children. She gave such practical suggestions, along with TONS of supporting scripture. The biggest point I took away from the weekend was the importance of being purposeful in this calling. And that without the foundation of a genuine, growing, and overflowing walk with the Lord ourselves, our efforts will be empty and fruitless. God really used Kathy to speak to me this weekend and I'm praying so hard that the change in my heart will become life change. To close, I'll leave you with a beautiful picture I took of Pikes Peak on our way down from the retreat. Such beauty!