I can hardly believe it's been a month already since I last posted a belly picture! But here we are, at 16 weeks, and growing strong. Thankfully morning sickness has officially said farewell. Now begins the joy of little kicks and turns within. So far, it's pretty inconsistent and subtle, but getting more frequent all the time. I'm still VERY tired by about 8:30pm each night and making frequent trips to the bathroom, but I'll take all of that over the nausia. I think I'll keep up the tradition of showing you my baby belly with each of the girls right along with this pregnancy for fun comparison. First, this baby:

Baby ______ at 16 weeks

Emma at 17 weeks

Chloe at 17 weeks
p.s. we'll be having "the big ultrasound" in just over three weeks! And yes, we're peekers, so if little baby cooperates, we'll have some gender news to share!