Sorry it's been awhile since I've made a post. We've been a bit distracted and busy lately with all the happenings, or lack thereof, with the house(s). We are currently staying with Travis's parents while we await the closing of our Utah house so that we can finally close on the new house and get settled. But if the Utah house doesn't close withing the next 30 days, we could lose the new house, so needless to say we're a bit stressed out. But thanks to many of our prayers and encouragement, I'm really developing a peace about the whole thing and am nurturing an attitude of gratitude to ward off the self pity and depression. As soon as I have anything new to share about the whole situation, I'll let you all know, but for now, consider no news just that. On to some much overdue pictures and a little bragging. First for some bragging. My little, not even two and a half year old, Emma Grace is already drawing stick people on her magna doodle! Not only that, but she hold the pen just like I do! Her fine motor skills are amazing, it's not even something we've worked on with her, she just started doing it, we can't take any credit. This picture is what she drew today.
This next rundown of pictures are a variety of pictures we've taken over the past several weeks. Some from our visit to Pump It Up with cousin Tayden in the Springs, some of Thanksgiving day, and some other random shots. If they need explaining I'll give some.
Chloe taking a bath in Nana's new BIG kitchen sink. A five year old could take a comfortable in this thing. Dan's remodel of their kitchen is just beautiful! He made all the cabinets himself, he did the whole thing himself, he's just amazing!
At Pump it Up, we had a great time jumping and slidding with cousin Tayden, Aunt Amber, and Uncle Tommy
Who's big idea was it to put this chunky bow on my head?
Emma and Pappa making a play house out of a big cardboard box on Thanksgiving day. Pappa made it complete with three little windows, a door, and even a sunroof she can peek out of, she loves it! Now it's covered in snow and ice, but there will be plenty of warmer days ahead.
Eating her Thanksgiving meal with her naked dolly.
Sitting up like a big girl! As you can see, Chloe already has a love affair going on with her daddy.

Okay, I could do a bunch more pictures, but the computer is in Emma's room here at Grammy and Pappa's and it's time for her to go to bed. Signing off for now.
Love, Sarah
Love, Sarah